Wednesday 23 January 2008

The King of Ninja Looters

No matter your feelings on ninjas, no matter if you yourself have been scammed, I'm sorry but this guy is epic. He's an asshat, for sure, but at least he does what he does with a little bit of style.

Find the full story Here

A summary
I know the smarter among you refuse to read the down right epic fail that are the wow forums. So me being the brave, good looking soul that i am have done it for you.

Once upon a time, there was an asshat named Tiller, an alt of somebody hellbent on making money, no matter the cost to other people. Tiller being the dedicated soul that he was spent all his free time sat in the neutral auction house. He spent hours and hours on end simply hitting refresh waiting for those people trying to transfer goods across the factions using the AH. (This is generally done by putting an item up for 1copper and having a friend buy it really quickly) And god bless his soul the poor little bugger claimed he made good money from it.

But alas the money he was making didn't seem enough. He set his sights on a new venture, the recently added guild banks. So he started to do his research, and found a guild who's guild master was not online, only a Rank 1 officer. He made his move, making an alt he logged on and whispered this person a member of Crimson Blood Clan, Steamwheedle cartel US. He got himself invited to this guild under the lie that he was this Officers bank alt, he was then given officer status himself and proceeded to swipe a big chunk of gold and items (including an epic blade).

At this point although it was an epic ninjaring, it wasnt awesome yet. the thing that made this whole thing awesome was his attitude towards it, he tried to make this out to be a robin hood style thing, robbing from the rich and giving to the needy, but without the giving part.

Funny as hell to read, but my sympathies to the guild that was scammed.

what can we do to prevent it?

Always ask for somebody to log their main before inviting their alt to the guild, this instantly protects you from this sort of scamming, but also make sure your guild master has good precautions in place.

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