Oooh boy, this is going to be a long one i can feel it. Now just remeber ive been playing this game since just after launch, so not everything will be 100% accurate, just to the best of my knowledge.
So, where to begin i guess, I origonally picked up world of warcraft because a bunch of my clan mates ( the Hellraizer clan from aliens vs predator 2 no less) started playing, now being the noob that i was back then i didnt relise there were seperate realms for EU and america, and such i never actually got to play with HR, however, I carried on playing it whenever i wasnt at college, or training on AvP2.
But progress was extremely slow, i wasnt an RPGer, i didnt understand why i wasnt alloud to team kill me fellow hordies, and ironicly my first character was a hunter. After 3 months of on and off play i hit the mid 20's (i know, i was a nub :P ) and stopped playing altogether, back then the servers were down as much as they were up, and i got extremely frustrated with the stupid game altogether.
Several months after that i reactivated my account after hearing one of my friends at college talking about it (although he had never, and still doesnt play), and carried on my leveling to the mid 30's. Around this time i met a group of people through college that would eventually become my leveling buddies, i introduced Tikita to warcraft, and through him made friends that also became wow addicts in turn. At first, it was good. i was playing on the dreanor realm, it was a PvE server, i stopped my leveling to help tikita and co' catch up, it was around WoW's first christmass that tikita left the dreanor realm, in search of a pvp server, my character was a meager level 41 (and still is today).
After numerous rerolls, we ended up on the realm Lightnings Blade, about 6 of us rolled onto their, myself being a shadow priest, by this time my understanding of the game had increased dramaticly, i understood most of the ins and outs of most classes, and leveling this time was far faster, we steamrolled through the levels, ending up at level 60 within roughly 3 months and started to join low end raiding guilds (URBS and ZG for the most part) but Still i was not happy, i stuck it out on my priest, although never really liking the class, and absolutly failing at pvp. This time it was me that skipped server, i coulndt stand 2 things on lightnings blade - 1 - my priest and -2- the alliance, i needed to get back to the horde.
I eventually setteled down onto a funny little realm called Eonar, and began rolling various characters, my first character on this server was a druid that i leveled to 21 in just a few days, but after getting destroyed in the battlegrounds (twinks didnt evan exist back then :P ) i rerolled yet again. A rogue. MY rogue, Me. this class clicked very quickly, i hit level 30 in less than 2 weeks, i had never leveled so fast in my life. I began to pvp, and gain the ranks that were available to me, (although as a rogue looking back now i still sucked :P ) i was happier than i had ever been, Tikita, rolled onto Eonar, a troll shaman! and slowly but surely everyone seemed to follow, we origonally aimed to be a top pvp centered guild on the server, but that idea died its death pretty soon. I started skipping from guild to guild in my mid 40's, Method, Desire, WCIP, you name the old school Eonar guild, i was probably in it, but they all seemed just that little bit too serious for me, i was after content sure, but i wasnt willing to sacrifice my soul for it either. I was browsing the guild list, looking for those that i recognised and that had noticable memebers, then i saw them. Phoenix-Legion.
It was one of the recruitment posts in the trade chat that first caught my eye, a level 50 Priest by the name of zoidybaur, Well i got my application in right away, and was accepted into the ranks of pheonix legion. I had an awesome time finishing my levels. I hit 60 in mext to no time after joining, and started farming the FR resist gear nessary to take me into Moltern Core.
Our first raid on Moltern Core was EPIC, i remeber having a great time, this was the first time i had seen proper content past the first 3 bosses in Zul'gurub. we blasted Moltern Core down, and before long Tikita Joined PL and took up the Shaman Class leader posistion.
I remeber tikita telling me of an open officer posistion, but it was being kept quiet so that people wouldnt start competing for it. I whispered cream and asked if it would be possible for me to
take it up for a while and see if i could stick it out. I did.
So we carried on our steady progress making dents in AQ clearing MC, starting BWL when the Exapansion came.
Ugh, the expansion.
Leveling was slow, Tikita buggered off to play on dreani on a different realm, and without my raids to keep me amused, tensions started to build within PL, After hitting level 7o, and starting to gear a group of my friends and i started to form our own "group" we instanced together, and geared up together to the point where there was roughly 7 or 8 of us ready to start Karazhan. This is when it all went wrong.
They left, Leaving a HUGE gaping hole in PL, leaving its plans to start raiding Karazhan severly crippled, setting thier progress back many months. The members that broke away formed thier own Guild, Simplification, not too long after i followed suit, wanting to get back into a raiding routine, (oh tikita came back and joined this guild too). For a while, it was good, Phoenix legion's good nature kept me friends with them, i kept track of who was doing what. The progress i was after was given to me, SImplification was set to become one of the biggest and best guilds on server, we smashed karazhan within weeks, Gruul and magtheridon shortly after.
But something was missing, that thing that i said i was looking for all those levels ago, i wasnt JUST after the content, i was after the fun and friends too. But to simplification that didnt seem to matter just quite enough, we made our way into SSC and started to rape bosses in there slowly, our geared improved, we were starting to look like top tier raiders as we should, but during all this i still wasnt happy.
During this time Phoenix Legion actually collapsed, mainly due to its lack of progress (imo) although i have heard other versions of why it happened, and as it happened i relised just how much i missed that guild and just how awesome they were. And well you cant keep a good guild down, and just like the Phoenix they are they rose from the ashes, and actually came back swinging.
Almost immediatly after returning from thier collapse they started making very decent proggress in Karazhan, if i remeber right they cleared it from start to finish, killing a new boss every week.
Since i wasnt happy in simplification and tikita wasnt happy on a PvE realm, we switched for a little while back to Lightnings blade, leveling these toons to 70 too. but i couldnt settle on my priest the same feelings had back at 60 began to rise, and i relised just where my place is.
I rejoined Phoenix Legion.
And ive never looked back. Not once. Content means nothing. Friends and Fun in a game mean absolutly everything. and now Im actually starting to get both, Phoenix Legion is killing 25 man bosses in SSC and TK, and make remarkable progress for such a casual guild. They stand strong now while Simplification are no more, they are rerolled and gone from this server.
I now aim, not for content, but to regain my officer posistion within Phoenix Legion, and i intend on doing this by being a top-class raider. Putting time and effort into the guild never goes unnoticced, its just one of the many reasons that this guild is great.
Thats my history on how i came to be the player that i am today. Any questions leave them in the comments below :P
Its 2:21 in the AM, i cant be bothered to proof read that wall of text just now, ill do it in the morning :P