Tuesday 5 February 2008

Leo the blind

4% so close, arrrrgh.

Let me start from the beginning

Hi! before you ask no, I haven’t yet got my computer back, I decided to log onto wow on my laptop, just to have a chat with my guild and found my self ninja invited to join a SSC raid, apparently they needed a devilishly handsome undead rotting corpse like myself for some extra Dee Pee Ess.

Now I so wasn’t prepared for this raid. First off my good soon-to-be-dead friend Tikita decided to spend all spare gold on repseccing me an exact copy of Ming’s build. Since Ming is one of the best arena rogues you can imagine he isn’t exactly specked for pve raiding, and I lacked to funds to correct this. (Also on a side note Tikita has used all my flash powder too, I so need a mod that reminds me to buy some every time I log on).

The trash didn't go smooth, by any stretch of the imagination, multiple wipes due to bad pulls, falling in the water and afks meant slow clearing to Leo himself however...


14% first tries, 9% the second, 7% 3rd try and 4% on the fourth. On our first night HOW FREAKIN' AWESOME IS THAT.

Nerf phoenix legion just of recent, don’t know what has been holding you back all this time but i'm so glad your back living up to old standards again. The Gold standard of boss nuking.

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