Thursday 17 April 2008

First Look at Mount Hyjal

And What a night! Rage Winterchill, the first boss of tier 6 content (and arguably the easiest boss of tier 6 content) Down not just first night. but very first try! WOOOOO! and evan better we have new loots!

Deadly Cuffs (

Yay - also the choker of serrated blades dropped twice, but that has gone to other melee DPS (and to be honest im not sure if it is that much of an upgrade to the wogen claw necklace from attunmen).

Other big news in the loot department - Quincey is now running around azeroth on a brand new shiny mount from Attunmen the huntsman, thats right, he is riding Nightmare himself! Won on a roll of 99/100 this is an awesome new mount that fits my character well :) I think i might create a new banner for the page (since wall walking is no longer allowed the banner seems a little out of place :( )using the new shiny mount.

Fiery Warhorse Riegns (

Wallwalking! before i forget - R.I.P wallwalking :( you were one of the most fun aspects of the game and i sure as hell hate losing you just becuase some retards used you to exploit :( talk about the minority ruining it for...err the minority that could do it :P

SSO offensive news - Over the weekend i had myself a repding Exalted with the SSO offensive, the same day as the new Anvil was made ready on Eonar, I havn't seen so many people in one place since the launch of the burning crusade, actually finding the vendor under a pile of corpses and Taurens on kodo's took a good 20 minutes. but when i finnally did manage to get there i bought myself a new set of weapons...

Blade of serration (
Swift blade of uncertainty (

So all in all its been a good week for Raids and loot, we are off to take a look at Vashj tonight, (i need to go re-read tatics i guess :P ) and we are headed back to Mount Hyjal on monday for more freeloot *ahem* i mean Rage winterchill and hopefully beyond :)

P.S - if anyone has Large pristmatic shards they dont want on Eonar i'm open to donations, them buggers are 40g a pop now and im in need of 20 :(


Anonymous said...

That badge vendor...*shakes fist* It took me forever to get to him too. Server crashed like 3 times when it first became available.

Chris Connelley said...

Grats on Attumen's mount. /jealous