Jumpcrafting is all about patience and practise, nothing more, there are no special skills, no sneaky hidden tricks to it - so here is a collection of some of my more favourite screenshots (bundled with a few descriptions)
Lets start with some of the older, and more obvious ones, places you have probably either seen first hand, or in some commonly seen screenshots.
This is the very top of Ironforge mountain, surprisingly enough there is an alliance patrol that goes all the way up here, but still, its a nice place to sight see once in a while. (Sexy Tier 1 :D )
This is the top of the valley of honor, i love sitting up here when i just feel like /gchatting, or just chilling out, plus its an easy one to get to.
Again, pretty bog-standard, Top of Orgrimmar wall. /yawn, i know, better ones are coming.
i actually don't see this one very much, but refuse to believe that people haven't done it before, top of Northshire Abbey.
The Greymane Wall, from the TOP of Graymane wall i may add. for those of you who don't know, open your maps, go to Silverpine forest, look in the very south, that landmass that you can't get to? thats Greymane, you cant get to it thanks to this rather big wall :P
this isn't actually one of my favourite screenshots, but this is quel'thalas, pre-tbc, I'm not sure if this dock Evan still exists.
Feralas, more specifically DM, outside, underneath, nothing more to explain really.
i know these are the fairly bog standard jump screenshots. but here is something a little bit more special. I was saving these screenshots for a rainy day, as they are the ones i was more than a little bit proud of.
I give you, Nefarion's window. from outside the instance.
This one took me a LONG time to get, and i do mean a LONG time, much time, frustration, falling and death. But once i was here, i figured, why stop ? so i logged for that day at the top of Nefarion's window, and started again the next morning.
More than a little time later, we had....
Past the clouds, past what anyone on my server had ever done, past my draw distance to the ground (pretty facking far) This is the highest point in Azeroth, there is no way to get higher without flying, and for that you need to be a GM.
Don't believe me? This could be any old mountain? lets look down shall we?
Look carefully, can you see the start of the flow of larva? the one you see falling all the way down BRM, that's right, i was there, i has the screenshots, it did happen :)
So, can nobody else log on Eonar just to wind me up? im not a fake. I CAN do this shit.
(This post was in no way meant to embarrass, show up or put down the guys from the world of Jumpcraft videos, they are awesome, they have done stuff i haven't dreamed off, truly epic guys, and i one day i hope to do a jump video with them)
Nice work!!
Do you know how to get into Hyjal?
I remember pre-tbc loads of people getting into there and i wanted to give it a go!!
Pretty fancy! :)
I'm not so good at jumping, but I have had a few adventures nonetheless. I have thrown myself from the top of IF before, and also from near the airport, down to a little orc farm on the side of the mountain, Menethil side. There were also adventures in the little valley between Northshire and Searing Gorge, including some interesting graphic glitches with regards to the end of the river. I will have to return there and take some new screenshots.. they were all lost with my reinstall of the game *cry*
Thats awesome!
I like jumping myself, the more you jump the more you learn, and im getting better, so far ive been on:
-Top of OG, under OG
-under stormwind, (working on getting on top of storwind).
-Top of SM (the instance)
-Bank in IF
-And dancing with L70ETC in silvermoon^^,
-And mountain at deadwind pass.
@Alex i think they fixed the getting into Hyjal thing, Blizz dont like people exploiting the game;<
Would like to get there myself.
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